Carbon compound L1





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Class 9th : Foundation Course Study Material



Class 9th : Foundation Course Study Material

Our foundation courses are meticulously designed for the students of class 9th that prepare them by laying a strong foundation for medical, engineering, and other competitive exams including Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana (KVPY), Olympiad, and National Standard Examinations (NSEP/ NSEC/ NSEB/ NSEA).

1. Mathematics

1. Arithmetic ProgressionClick Here
2. Introduction of Euclid's GeometryClick Here
3. Linear Equations of Two VariablesClick Here
4. Lines and AnglesClick Here
5. Number SystemClick Here
6. PolynomialsClick Here

2. Physics

1. Force and Laws of MotionClick Here
2. GravitationClick Here
3. MotionClick Here
4. SoundClick Here
5. Work, Power and EnergyClick Here

3. Chemistry

1. Atoms and MoleculesClick Here
2. Is Matter Around Us PureClick Here
3. Matter In Our SurroundingClick Here
4. Structure of AtomClick Here

4. Biology

1. Diversity In Living OrganismClick Here
2. Food ResourcesClick Here
3. Fundamental Unit of LifeClick Here
4. Immunity and Human DiseasesClick Here
5. Natural ResourcesClick Here
6. ReproductionClick Here
7. TissuesClick Here

5. Mental Ability

1. AnalogyClick Here
2. ClassificationClick Here
3. Cubes and DiceClick Here
4. Letter SeriesClick Here
5. Magic Circles and SquaresClick Here
6. Number SeriesClick Here

6. Social Science

1. Constitutional Design, Forest Society and ColonialismClick Here
2. Democracy in the Contemporary WorldClick Here
3. India size and LocationClick Here
4. People as ResourcesClick Here
5. Socialism in Europe and The Russian RevolutionClick Here
6. The French RevolutionClick Here
7. The Story of Village PalampurClick Here


NEET 2024 Preparation Month-Wise Study Schedule



NEET 2024 Study Schedule: Month-by-Month Best Preparation Tips

NEET 2024 is scheduled for May 5. Explore the NEET 2024 preparation plan for the next four months, excluding March-April (reserved for board exams). Creating a balance between NEET and Class 12 board exams can be challenging, but with a smart study plan and effective time management, it's manageable.

NEET 2024 Preparation

Begin your NEET 2024 preparation by creating a comprehensive study plan that includes both board exams and NEET. Consider the following key points:

  • Schedule dedicated study times for each subject.
  • Prioritize your strongest subjects.
  • Familiarize yourself with the NEET and Class 12 syllabi.
  • Avoid redundant studying by identifying common topics between NEET and Class 12.
  • Set clear exam goals and break them down into manageable tasks.

NEET 2024 Preparation Tips

We've got your back with easy and effective NEET 2024 preparation tips:

  • Plan your study time with a personalized timetable.
  • Focus more on subjects you excel in, while dedicating extra time to challenging ones.
  • Thoroughly understand the NEET 2024 syllabus and the Class 12 syllabus.
  • Avoid duplicating efforts by skipping common topics.
  • Set clear goals and break them into smaller, achievable tasks.
  • Consider courses by Physics Wallah's expert faculty for a significant advantage in your NEET 2024 preparation.

NEET 2024 Preparation Month-Wise Study Schedule

Check out the month-wise breakdown of the NEET 2024 preparation schedule:

NEET 2024 Preparation Week wise Study Plan
1-2November 1 – 15Cell Structure and FunctionBasic Concepts of Chemistry, Structure of Atom, Classification of ElementsMechanics – Kinematics, Laws of Motion, Work, Energy, and Power
3-4November 16 – 30Diversity in Living OrganismsChemical Bonding, States of Matter, ThermodynamicsMotion of Systems of Particles and Rigid Body, Gravitation
5-6December 1 – 15Plant PhysiologyEquilibrium, Redox Reactions, p-Block ElementsProperties of Bulk Matter, Thermodynamics
7-8December 16 – 31Human PhysiologyHydrogen, s-Block Elements, Coordination CompoundsKinetic theory, Oscillations and Waves
9-10January 1 – 15Genetics and EvolutionHydrocarbons, Environmental Chemistry, Alcohols, Phenols and EthersElectrostatistics, Current Electricity
11-12January 16 – 31Reproduction in Plants and AnimalsOrganic Chemistry – Basics, Solid State, Solutions, BiomoleculesMagnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism, Electromagnetic Induction
13-14February 1 – 15Ecology and EnvironmentOrganic Chemistry – Hydrocarbons, Environmental Chemistry, Haloalkanes and HaloarenesElectromagnetic Waves, Optics
15-16February 16 – 29Biology and Human WelfareElectrochemistry, Chemical Kinetics, Surface Chemistry, PolymersDual Nature of Matter and Radiation, Atoms and Nuclei
17-18March 1 – 15Biotechnology and Its ApplicationsGeneral Principles and Processes of Isolation of Elements, d and f Block Elements, Organic Compounds Containing NitrogenElectronic Devices, Electrostatics
19-20March 16 – 31Practice mock tests and previous years’ papersRevise and fine-tune your knowledge.Work on your weak areas

NEET 2024 Preparation Week-Wise Study Plan

Follow our simple weekly plan to prepare for NEET 2024 effectively:

Each week, focus on specific subjects and topics, making your NEET journey smoother.

Staying organized and following this plan will prepare you completely for NEET 2024.

Daily NEET 2024 Preparation Tips

To maintain a balance between NEET and board exam preparation, consider the following daily routine:

  • Allocate time for each subject based on your comfort level.
  • Thoroughly study NCERT books for both NEET and board exams.
  • Work on questions and exercises from 2-3 chapters every day.
  • Utilize reference books for NEET.
  • Try the Pomodoro technique (study for 25 minutes, then take a 5-minute break) to enhance focus.
  • Stick to your daily plan to maintain organization.
  • Prioritize a healthy diet and regular exercise for improved concentration and overall health.
  • Don't hesitate to seek assistance from teachers or tutors if needed.
  • Explore the online courses offered by Physics Wallah for NEET 2024.

Periodic classification



1. Who gave the law of triads?

2. Law of octaves was given by         ...........-

3. Mendeleev Periodic Law                 was............

4. A plot of --- vs atomic number gave a straight line.

5. The elements with atomic no 117 and 119 will be named as - (NEET)

6. The compounds of s block with the exception of ___ and. are predominantly ionic. --

7. Reactivity always decrease down the group. T/F

8. In case of alkali metals, reactivity increase/decrease down the group.

9. In case of halogens, reactivity increase/decrease down the group.

10. First IE, trend of the elements of 2nd period is - (NEET)

11. Across the period, increasing shielding outweighs nuclear charge. T/F

12. ...........assigned an arbitrary electronegativity value of................ to F.

13. The electronegativity of any given element is not constant. T/F 

14. Electronegativity varies depending on the element it is bound. T/F

15. Electronegativity decreases from left to right. T/F

16. The anomalous behavior of the second period element is attributed to - (3) 

17. The chemical reactivity of an element can be best shown by its reaction with ‒‒‒‒‒ and _-‒‒‒

18. Amphoteric oxides ex - (2) (NEET)

19. Neutral oxides ex - (3) (NEET)

Eggs cell reproduction



1. ________represents the female reproductive organ in a flower.

1) Ovary

2) Pistil

3) Inflorescence

4) Gynoecium 

2. Which of the following is not a part of a pistil?

1) Stigma

2) Thalamus

3) Style

4) Placenta 

3. Which of the following have only one ovule in an ovary?

1) Papaya

2) Wheat

3) Orchid

4) Both 2 and 3

4. Multicarpellary syncarpous pistil is found in

1) Rose

2) Lotus

3) Michelia

4) Papaver 

5. The body of ovule fuses with funicle in a region called

1) Micropyle

2) Hilum

3) Chalaza

4) None of these

6. Which of the following is not true regarding the nucellus?

1) Diploid cells

2) Abundant reserve food material

3) Completely covered by integuments

4) A single MMC differentiates in the micropylar region of the nucellus.

7. In majority of flowering plants, _______ is/are functional while other megaspores degenerate.

1) 3 megaspores

2) 2 megaspores

3) 1 megaspore

4) 4 megaspores 

8. _________ of a female gametophyte bears antipodals

1) Chalazal end

2) Micropylar end

3) Central portion

4) None of the above 

9. Ploidy of the cells of nucellus, MMC, a megaspore and female gametophyte is respectively.

1) 2n, n, n, n

2) 2n, 2n, n, 2n

3) 2n, 2n, n, 3n

4) 2n, 2n, n, n

10. The functional megaspore undergoes _______ to form a typical embryo sac.

1) 2 mitotic divisions

2) 3 meiotic divisions

3) 3 mitotic divisions

4) 4 mitotic divisions  Answer

1          4

2          2

3.         2

4.         4

5.          2

6           3

7           3

8            1

9            4

10          3




1. The phase between two successive M-phase is called

(1) S-phase

(2) G1 phase

(3) G2 Phase

(4) Interphase

2. The phase of cell cycle in which the centriole duplicates in the cytoplasm?

(1) S Phase

(2) G1 phase

(3) G2 phase

(4) G0 phase

3. In which phase Chromosome loose its identity and convert into chromatin

(1) Anaphase

(2) Metaphase

(3) Prophase

(4) Telophase

4. DNA replication occur in which phase of cell cycle:

(1) S-Phase

(2) G1 Phase

(3) G2 Phase

(4) M-phase

5. The complete disintegration of nuclear envelope in a cell cycle marks the

(1) start of prophase of mitosis

(2) start of metaphase of mitosis

(3) end of anaphase of mitosis

(4) start of telophase of mitosis

6. In meiosis, synapsis occurs during

(1) Pachytene

(2) Zygotene

(3) Leptotene

(4) Diplotene

7. The X-shaped structures observed during diplotene are

(1) chiasmata

(2) synaptonemal complex

(3) bivalent complex

(4) none of these

8. Terminalisation of chiasmata occur in –

(1) Diakinesis (2) Zygotene

(3) Pachytene (4) Diplotene

9. Splitting of centromere and hence separation of chromatids occurs during

(1) prophase-II

(2) anaphase-I

(3) anaphase-II

(4) metaphase-II

10. Spindle fibres attach on to

(1) kinetochore of the chromosome

(2) centromere of the chromosome

(3) kinetosome of the chromosome

(4) telomere of the chromosome

11. Longest phase of meiosis is

(1) prophase-I

(2) prophase-II

(3) anaphase-I

(4) metaphase-II

12. At the end of meiosis-II, number of haploid cells Formed are

(1) two

(2) four

(3) eight

(4) one

           ANSWER KEY.              

1. (4)

2. (1)

3. (4)

4. (1)

5. (2)

6. (2)

7. (1)

8. (1)

9. (3)

10. (1)

11. (1)

12. (2)




1. Artificial classification system is based on – (Pg29, E)

A) Mainly on vegetative character and on the androecium structure 

B) Ultrastructure, anatomical, embryological characters 

C) External and internal features 

D) Chromosome number.

2. George Bentham and Joseph Dalton Hooker gave (Pg30, E)

A) Artificial classification system 

B) Phylogenetic classification

C) Natural classification system 

D) A and B respectively

3. Choose incorrectly match option (Pg30, E)

A) Numerical taxonomy – Number and code are assigned to all the character and the data are then processed

B) Cytotaxonomy – Based on cytological information 

C) Chemotaxonomy – Based on 


D) Natural classification – Linnaeus

4. Phylogenetic classification – (Pg30, E)

A) Based on evolutionary relationship 

B) This assume that organism belonging to some taxa haven’t a common ancestor 

C) Gave equal weightage to vegetative & sexual character but not on evolutionary relationship 

D) A and B both

Paragraph – 3.1


5. Blue – green algae placed in which kingdom according to R.H. Whittaker(Pg30, E)

A) Monera     B) Protista 

C) Fungi         D) Plantae

6. Choose the correct statement algae:(Pg30, E)

A) Algae are chlorophyllous, autotrophic member of Plantae

B) Some algae occur in association with fungi and on sloth bear 

C) The plant body of algae lack root, stem, leaf

D) All of these

7. Colonial form alga is – (Pg30, E)

A) Ulothrix.      B) Volvox

C) Kelp.             D) Spirogyra

8. Zoospore is – (Pg30, E)

A) Sexual spore in algae 

B) Asexual spore in algae 

C) Develop in zoosporangium in number of four 

D) Non flagellated spore

9. Fusion between one large static female gametes and smaller motile male gamete is termed as ___ as seen is ___ (Pg30, E)

A) Isogamous, Spirogyra 

B) Oogamous, Volvox

C) Anisogamous, Fucus

D) Oogamous, Ulothrix

10. Eudorina show – (Pg30, E)

A) Fusion of flagellate similar size gamete 

B) Fusion of non – flagellate similar size gamete 

C) Oogamous 

D) Anisogamous

11. How many of following is an example of isogamous Ulothrix, Spirogyra, Volvox, fucus, Polysiphonia (Pg31, M)

A) 1                     B) 2

C) 3                     D) 4

12. Identify organism and label A, B, C, D (Pg31, M)

A) Laminaria A = leaf B = air bladder C = stripe D = holdfast 

B) Fucus A = frond B = air bladder C = stripe D = Hold fast

C) Fucus A = air bladder B = frond, C = midrib D = holdfast 

D) Laminaria A = leaf C = midrib D = petiole

13. Algae are useful to man in – (Pg32, M)

A) Fixation of almost half of total CO2 on earth 

B) Primary producer 

C) Increase level of oxygen 

D) All of these

14. Hydrocolloids are produced by – (Pg32, M)

A) Brown algae ( algin), carrageen(red algae), Agar(brown algae)

B) Brown algae ( algin), Red algae 


C) Brown algae ( algin, agar), Red algae 


D) None of these

15. Choose correct statement – (Pg32, E)

A) Chlorella, a multicellular alga rich in protein

B) Chlorella & Spirulina are astronaut food because of their high carbohydrate, vitamin mineral but less protein 

C) The product obtained by Gracilaria are used to grow microbes 

D) Laminaria, Sargassum a member of Rhodophyceae are among 70 species of marine algae used as food

Paragraph – 3.1.1


16. Chlorophyceae are commonly called as-(Pg32, E)

A) Green algae 

B) Blue – green algae

C) Brown algae 

D) Red algae

17. Major pigment of Chlamydomonas –(Pg32, E)

A) Chlorophyll a, b 

B) Chlorophyll a, c

C) Chlorophyll a, d 

D) Fucoxanthin, phycoerythrin

18. Choose incorrect statement about green alga- (Pg32, E)

A) The chlorophyll localised in definite chloroplast 

B) Spirogyra have spiral chloroplast 

C) Most member have one or more storage bodies i.e. pyrenoid localised in chloroplast 

D) The cell wall is made of outer layer that is of cellulose and inner layer of pectose

19. Reproduction in green algae is/are –(Pg32, E)

A) Isogamous B) Anisogamous 

C) Oogamous D) All of these

20. Chara is (Pg32, E)

A) Common stonewort 

B) Marine green algae 

C) Unisexual algae 

D) None of these

21. Flagellation in green algae is – (Pg32, E)

A) 2 – 8, equal, apical

B) 2, unequal, lateral 

C) 2 – 8, unequal, lateral 

D) Absent

Paragraph – 3.1.2


22. Phaeophyceae is commonly named as –(Pg32, E)

A) Green alga.      B) Brown alga 

C) Red algae.         D) None

23. Choose the correct statement from following – (Pg32, M)

A) Ectocarpus is filamentous forms while kelps is profusely branched from

B) Kelps may reach a height of average 100cm 

C) The plant body of brown algae is attached to substratum by stripe

D) Leaf – like photosynthetic organ of brown algae is stripe

24. Major pigment found in Fucus is/are (Pg32, E)

A) Chlorophyll a, c 

B) Chlorophyll a, d

C) Chlorophyll a, b 

D) Fucoxanthin and phycoerythrin

25. The color of brown algae depend upon (Pg32, E)

A) Amount of xanthophyll 

B) Fucoxanthin present in them 

C) Phycoerythrin and fucoxanthin ratio 

D) A & B both

26. Choose the correct about cell of brown algae – (Pg32, E)

A) Cellulosic cell wall cover outside by align 

B) Cellulosic cell wall with pectin and polysulphate esters 

C) They have two flagella, equal sized and laterally inserted

D) A and C both

27. Dictyota is member of -(Pg33,E)

A) Same member of Ectocarpus, Gelidium, fucus 

B) Same member those having Caminaria or mannitol as stored food 

C) Same member of Laminaria, Porphyra, fucus 

D) Same member those having phycoerythrin as accessory pigment

28. Gametes of Sargassum are- (Pg           33, E)

A) Pyriform.       B) Cup – shaped 

C) Ribbon – shaped.    D) Discoid

Paragraph – 3.1.3


29. Rhodopyceae is called red algae because of – (Pg33, E)

A) Predominance of red pigment 

B) Abundance if d – phycoerythrin 

C) A & B both 

D) None of these

30. The stored food in Polysiphonia is ____A___ which is very similar to _____B_____ and _____C____ in structure (Pg33, E)

A) A = floridean starch B = amylopectin C = glycogen 

B) A = floridean starch B = chitin C = glycogen 

C) A = mannitol B = floridean starch C = amylopectin

D) None of these

31. Member of Rhodophyceae reproduce by–(Pg33, E)

A) Non – motile asexual spore and motile sexual gametes 

B) motile asexual spore and motile sexual gametes

C) Non – motile asexual spore and non –motile sexual gametes

D) motile asexual spore and non – motile sexual gametes

32. Porphyra show – (Pg34, E)

A) Isogamous       B) Anisogamous 

C) Oogamous        D) All of these

                ANSWERS KEY.              


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