Cell Biology and Biotechnology

 Cell Biology and Biotechnology

l   Cytology / Cell Biology - Study of the structure, types, organelles of the cell, cell division, etc.

l   Research Institute dedicated for research on cells :

-             National Centre for Cell Science is located in Pune.

-             Instem is located in Bengaluru.

l   Stem cells are special cells present in the body of multicellular organisms, which give rise to all other types of cells present in the body

l   Stem cells are found in umbilical cord, red bone marrow and adipose connective tissue.

l   Cell differentiation start on 14th day of conception.

l   Osteocytes, hepatocytes, neurons are formed due to differentiation.

l   Uses of stem cell.

-             Regenerative therapy includes cell therapy in which stem cells are used to replace dead cells in case of conditions like diabetes, myocardial infarction, Alzeheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease.

-             It is also used to produce blood cells in conditions like anemia, thalassaemia and leukemia.

-             Organ transplantation : organs like kidney, liver can be produced with the help of stem cells and transplantation takes place only when there is a donor available.

-             Various factors like blood group, diseases and disorders, age etc are first considered during transplantation.

l   Some organs can be donated during life time and some can be donated after death (posthumous).

l   Body and organ donation can save life of needy individuals.

l   Biotechnology is bringing artificial genetic changes and hybridization in organisms for human welfare.

l   Biotechnology includes following areas: Use of microbes for Yoghurt formation from milk and alcohol from


-       Production of antibiotics and vaccines with help of specific cells.

-       Use of Bio - molecules like DNA and proteins in human welfare.

-       Gene manipulation helps in development of desired plant, animals and products.

-       Genetically modified bacteria is used for production of human growth hormone .

-       Use of genetic and non - genetic technique for tissue culture and production of hybrid seeds.

l   Benefits of Biotechnology

-       Increase in per hectare yield of crop-land has become possible.

-       Expenses on disease control have minimized since development of resistant varieties.

-       Development of fast fruit setting varieties and their yield per annum.

-       Development of stress resistant varieties which can withstand variable temperature, water-stress, changing fertility of soil, etc.

l   Commercial applications of Biotechnology

- Crop Biotechnology is used in agricultural field to improve yield and variety.

- Hybrid seeds and Genetically modified crops are developments of crop biotechnology.

- Bt Cotton, Golden Rice, Herbicide tolerant plants and Biofertilizers are examples of development in crop biotechnology.

l   Biotechnology has made advances in Animal husbandry. Two main methods as artificial insemination and

embryo transfer have helped to improve both quantity and quality of animal products.

l   Biotechnology helps in diagnosis and treatment of diseases at an early stage. Various vaccines and

antibiotics are produced.

-       Traditionally vaccines were prepared with help of pathogens which were completely or partially killed.

Due to this, there were chances of infection.

-       Therefore, artificial vaccines were produced by using antigen with the help of gene isolated from the

pathogen and sometimes proteins were used which acted as antigen.

-       Vaccines produced with the help of biotechnology are more thermostable and remain active for longer duration.

-       Edible Vaccines are in progress and presently potatoes are being produced with help of biotechnology.

They are called as Transgenic Potatoes.

-       Consumption of these potatoes generates immunity against bacteria like Vibrio cholerae and Escherichia coli and disease caused by them.

-       Biotechnology is useful in production of hormones like insulin, somatotropin and blood clotting


-       Interferon, a small sized protein molecule is used in treatment of viral diseases.

-       Gene therapy which is used to treat genetic disorders in somatic cells has become possible due to biotechnology.

-       Cloning: Production of replica of any cell or organ or entire organism. It has been possible due to development in biotechnology.

-       Reproductive cloning and therapeutic cloning are the processes used for cloning.

l   Various industrial chemicals can be produced through less expensive processes. e.g. Alcohol production from sugar molasses.

l   Biotechnology has helped to solve environment related problems. e.g. Microbial decomposition of waste.

l   Bio-remediation, biopesticides, biofertilizers etc. are the new concepts in biotechnology.

l   Food items like bread, cheese, wine, beer, yoghurt are oldest items produced with the help of biotechnology.

l   DNA fingerprinting is one of the most important developments in biotechnology which has found application in Forensic Science.

l   All the research work is done in Centre for DNA fingerprinting and Diagnostics, Hyderabad.

l   Green Revolution is an important stage in agricultural development.

l   Dr. Norman Borlaug (USA) and Dr. M.S. Swaminathan (India) have valuable contribution in green Revolution.

l   White Revolution was led by Dr. Verghese Kurien in various parts of India which were rich in milk and milk products.

l   Government launched Nil-Kranti Mission in 2016 to promote pisciculture. This was termed as Blue Revolution.

l   Organic manure and chemical fertilizers are used as fertilizers

l   Use of  insectides  should be  reduced  as  they enter  food-web  through nature  and  food  and its  bio-

magnification occurs.

l   DDT, malathion and chloropyriphos have been proved dangerous.

l   Organic farming and organic products are available now which can prevent the harmful effects of fertilizers.

l   Apiculture is culturing of bee for honey and wax.

l   India, has a great tradition of ayurveda that cures many diseases. Therefore, medicinal plants are cultivated.

l   Fruits are perishable agro-products : They can be preserved by cold storage, drying, salting, air tight packaging, preparing murabba and evaporating.



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