1. The phase between two successive M-phase is called

(1) S-phase

(2) G1 phase

(3) G2 Phase

(4) Interphase

2. The phase of cell cycle in which the centriole duplicates in the cytoplasm?

(1) S Phase

(2) G1 phase

(3) G2 phase

(4) G0 phase

3. In which phase Chromosome loose its identity and convert into chromatin

(1) Anaphase

(2) Metaphase

(3) Prophase

(4) Telophase

4. DNA replication occur in which phase of cell cycle:

(1) S-Phase

(2) G1 Phase

(3) G2 Phase

(4) M-phase

5. The complete disintegration of nuclear envelope in a cell cycle marks the

(1) start of prophase of mitosis

(2) start of metaphase of mitosis

(3) end of anaphase of mitosis

(4) start of telophase of mitosis

6. In meiosis, synapsis occurs during

(1) Pachytene

(2) Zygotene

(3) Leptotene

(4) Diplotene

7. The X-shaped structures observed during diplotene are

(1) chiasmata

(2) synaptonemal complex

(3) bivalent complex

(4) none of these

8. Terminalisation of chiasmata occur in –

(1) Diakinesis (2) Zygotene

(3) Pachytene (4) Diplotene

9. Splitting of centromere and hence separation of chromatids occurs during

(1) prophase-II

(2) anaphase-I

(3) anaphase-II

(4) metaphase-II

10. Spindle fibres attach on to

(1) kinetochore of the chromosome

(2) centromere of the chromosome

(3) kinetosome of the chromosome

(4) telomere of the chromosome

11. Longest phase of meiosis is

(1) prophase-I

(2) prophase-II

(3) anaphase-I

(4) metaphase-II

12. At the end of meiosis-II, number of haploid cells Formed are

(1) two

(2) four

(3) eight

(4) one

           ANSWER KEY.              

1. (4)

2. (1)

3. (4)

4. (1)

5. (2)

6. (2)

7. (1)

8. (1)

9. (3)

10. (1)

11. (1)

12. (2)


Author & Editor

Has laoreet percipitur ad. Vide interesset in mei, no his legimus verterem. Et nostrum imperdiet appellantur usu, mnesarchum referrentur id vim.

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